Google Adsense - What is and Whys.

Google Adsense have helped me to get the statistics of visit count, media of the month visits/ number of days on that month, and it motivate me a bit to keep the blog growing.

It is not true that it gives a lot of income. So far i got 2 Dollars. So anything help a lot. One more visit one day or another makes my eye shine on the statistics of the blog. So far it got a maximum of 124 people visiting it a day (24th December) and my income for that day was an amazing ammount of $0,00 cents from Google Adsense. So i'm not working on this blog for money as it won't give me any money reward soon. I'm making it to help people play the amazing game of Ragnarok and specially to make people's effort in having fun in the game and achieving their goals easier or faster.

I think Ragnarok is a very hard game to fully understand and even knowing a character completly is very stupid and selfish to say about. Every character on the game have misterious points of advatage that only experiencing them will tell you if your character is the best on making specific things. I never knew Assassin Cross are one of the best and coolest monster hunters with full damage gears.. to understand a bit of sniper vs. assassin cross on their pros and cons click here.

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