High Priest Complete Guide

*Made by me*
There are 3 ways of leveling an acolyte.
However, one of them is leeching, which is quite obvious, they are not the best damage per second characters, but still IT IS fun to play if you don't feel "damage is everything".
Last note, if you can't reset, go for Healbomber acolyte considering battle priests aren't as before.

Battle Acolyte
Really? they still work? why not >.>
This part, you may wanna know your stats!
Str: 10->30 (This is very important and helps alot, even on low points, makes your damage become from 80 to 130~)
Agi: 30->50 (Pump this first, flee is a very important thing at starting levels)
Vit: 10->10 (Pump this first, def is a very important thing at early levels)
Int: 1->12
Dex: 10->30
Luk: 1-> 1

Any extra stat add on what you feel for, like STR/AGI/VIT, i added 10 extra str and rest agi to pump flee/aspd since i like fast hits.
Low level -> Kill fabres for a Club
Then payon Dungeon, try to hit level 35, there you should drop your mace.
Payon Dung. worth it, because the drops also get you some zeny, so you can buy your Chain[2] from Npc.
try orc dungeon with potions for a while... agi is a important role here.
Now something very important to this works:
Get Pneuma(1).
once you get it, head to amatsu dungeon and kill firelocks with it on your feet.
As it consumes only 10 SP, you'll need to use like 2-5 pneumas until finishing firelock. The EXP Boost is SUPER.
If you have a priest friend to annoy, make him aspersio you, and pneuma spam (since they last 10 seconds, try to think when its gone, or how many hits on firelock until it's gone, to cast again, because firelocks should kill you without it.)
If you didn't get that friend(yet), stick to /nc off so when you stop clicking it stop attacking, for a precise pneuma cast. Since there is no other monster agressive (aw c'mon there is only 1 shinobi on the map, ask a friend to kill it if happen to find it, so you continue ur jorney)
SINCE THERE IS NO OTHER MONSTER AGRESSIVE, as i was saying.. it won't be very difficult to level up.
Moscovia flowers with enough agi are piece of cake since you have buffs and heal, i would cry every bleed tho, the best defense against it is assumptio, as it reduces 50% of bleeding damage, last is VIT as it increases dmg and reduces bleed damage, but would reduce your DPS. Don't worth it in my opinion.
There is not much things to do at high level, if it get boring, find people at your level range for some fun parties.

*The hardest part is aiming for job 50, here you'll want to be healbomber
because battle acolyte level up quick early levels, healbomber level up quick later levels.*

Pump all int
have 10 vit
have pneuma. (i'm simple)

The Cons of this build is early levels because of CONSTANT SP breaks, you'll get what i'm talking about.
Payon Dungeon is the place. Get level 30-35, it can't be avoided, try to melee skeletons if you have the gear. (worth to have it!)
heal zombies.
You may or not bless yourself for 2 int caps... at a 64 sp cost :(
Healbombing orc zombies are somewhat exp but be patient for sp breaks.
you can decide to have pneuma or not (and hunt firelocks or not) but beware: they are hard to run away if you run out of sp.
If you choose not to get pneuma, or you feel like changing the place of leveling.
Head to Evil Druid grounds, in glast heim. GoGo Job 50. See if you can NPC overprice those ressurection leafs and buy some SP consumables!

Here is a skill list of a friend before becoming a priest:
* Divine Protection Level 5
* Ruwach Level 1
* Pneuma Level 1
* Teleportation Level 2
* Warp Portal Level 4
* Heal Level 10
* Increase Agility Level 10
* Decrease Agility Level 1
* Aqua Benedicta Level 1
* Angelus Level 2
* Blessing Level 10
You will have two skill points left over, which I would put into decrease agility. Alternatively, you could just change at job 48 if you are lazy. I recommend skipping to the Turn Undead section from this point, as it levels much, much faster than a support build with the best possible partner.
If Angelus is the skill you like, there is no much things to do, like sacrificing decrease agi(which is awsome in pvp), and add priests leftover skills to it.

Best characters to leech them are mages and archers.
Your acolyte will be like support type. Heal, Blessing, Agi Up are the best skills for this kind of leveling, which is nice if you don't feel like leveling aco alone.

*To make your acolyte follow, don't forget aco's /nc(/nocontrol) to be off, and shift+right click the one you are following.*

Archer leeching
Places to go:
Ant Egg->Coal Mines->Ants like Andre, etc.
Then Einbroch north map(metalings)
Then Eibroch north map (geographers)
this way your acolyte should get level 50, if it starts to get slow/boring go Moscovia, with decent weapon you can ohko Leshavkas (those flying flowers) with double strafe (nice isnt?). Also, Mosc. monsters give nice suplies and good value of etc.

Mage Leeching -> !!!PUMP ALL TO INT!!! WHAT? YESSSS wWw????
Places to go:
Ant Egg until you open firewall(get some points in it, you don't have to max it on ant eggs would take forever) use fireballs on ant eggs, the etc should give some money..
Once it feels VERY SLOW.. (why stay so much here? well, you need high m-atk, or u'll do 1 damage on geographers, trust me)
Ahem, once it feels very slow, move to clocks, inside clocktower in aldebaran, they will bump your exp quickly with firewall, firewall level 10+firebolt level 5-10 is a MUST here!
why not dex?
when you hit so higher m-atk, try if you ohko mob even with firebolt level 9 instead of 10 for example (consider some dmg with firewall if you happen to use it, which cannot be considered versus geographers for example)
Metalings are good too and i heard they are easier, so try them out (if archer were the same as wizzie, why i'm giving extra stuff? cuz mages are 1337 ;P)
Then Geos, bye.

HP Builds
* PvM Support High Priest
* MVP Support High Priest
* TU Leveling High Priest
* PvP Support High Priest
* Magnus Exorcismus (ME) High Priest
* WoE High Priest

PvM Support High Priest

I would not recommend anything in this build until at least level 90 high priest, unless you have friends that you want to level with OR YOU MADE THIS CHARACTER TO BUFF YOUR MAIN:D. However, if you do level with this build as a priest, here’s the skills you will need:

* Increase SP Recovery Level 4 (i pumped 10 so i never ever run out of sp when leveling, this skill is a waste if you only buff ur main char tho)
* Resurrection Level 4
* Impositio Manus Level 3 (i added 5)
* Suffragium Level 3 (don't have)
* Aspersio Level 5 (very userful everywhere)
* Status Recovery Level 1
* Kyrie Eleison Level 10 (kerye + berserk LK is the win, but i don't have it)
* Magnificat Level 3 (i added 5 cuz i are lazy)
* Gloria Level 3
* Lex Divina Level 5
* Lex Aeterna Level 1
P.S: I added meditatio level 10, why? why not? shshhhhhh enough of silly questions will ya?

This will leave you with 7 skill points leftover at job level 50 to do whatever you want with. You could get more levels of gloria/magnificat, 2 more levels of impositio, etc. Also, you can get rid of gloria, suffragium, or aspersio (DONT GET RID OF ASPERSIO, THE CREATOR OF THIS PART OF GUIDE IS A MORON!!xD) if your particular needs do not include them. I will go into further detail as to how to use the skills and what situations call for what skills later; for now I am just giving bare basics and a WoE guide. As far as equips, in most cases it will not matter. Get a shield card that gives a racial bonus against whatever you are fighting. You can get either dex equips or defense equips; for support it does really matter, it depends on your preferences. You should get equips that supplement your build; if you prefer builds with very high dex for support, get equips adding dex; if you prefer to tank the monsters for your party, get defense equips. Support priests are very flexible. If you are a dex priest, do not try to tank things; as high priest you will be able to even with low vit, but as a normal priest your max hp will be fairly low and you won’t have assumptio.
Note: Aspersio works everywhere, in woe emp breakers need evil druid or will do nothing, so you aspersio your defense like sin-x snipers, etc.
It works on all physical characters if you plan to dual a high priest.
Get your best carded weapon and aspersio yourself, undeads will fear every part of it.

As a high priest, I recommend the following skill build for PvM support :

* Increase SP Recovery Level 5
* Resurrection Level 4
* Impositio Manus Level 5
* Suffragium Level 3
* Aspersio Level 5
* Sanctuary Level 7
* Status Recovery Level 1
* Kyrie Eleison Level 4
* Magnificat Level 5
* Gloria Level 5
* Lex Divina Level 5
* Lex Aeterna Level 1
* Assumptio Level 5
* Meditatio Level 10

You will have 4 points left over at job level 70, and the skills that were optional as a priest depending on your needs are still optional as a high priest. Your stat builds can afford to be a lot more varied as a high priest, and hybrid support builds with high dex that can tank are more viable. Still keep in mind that you will not always be able to handle every situation, so if you’re going into an area with strong monsters it’s nice to have some healing items to fall back on if you need them, and fly wings in case you need to get out of an area fast without worrying about delay on other skills.

The best way to learn how to support any given class is to get some experience being that class; then you’ll know more about what they need, and when they need it.

Here’s a list of classes and how you should be supporting them.


I recommend supporting this class in ice dungeon. Pneuma when you see gazeti, lex aeterna everything, and run around ice golems unless you have the gear to tank them. Aqua armor (swordfish card) recommended for this area. Also, you can mob and let the sage/professor kill with thunderstorm if you have the right gear. Suffragium helps speed up the cast time on their skills, so try and use it on them before each spell. It works best if you suffragium and then lex a instead of the other way around because suffra has less delay.

If you or the sage/prof can’t handle this yet, mob seals and kill them with thunderstorm; they should die to one hit with high int and lex a.


Mostly these just need buffs and occasional heals. You will hardly ever need to support a sniper in regular PvM. Lex A is limited in usefulness when supporting snipers because of the long delay, unless for some reason you’re supporting a FA sniper.


If it’s a sonic blow sinx, just keep them buffed and lex a monsters. Soul destroyer basically the same. Asp if the area you’re in has a lot of shadow/undead property monsters. If for some reason you’re supporting a crit sin/sinx then keep gloria up.


If you’re supporting a wizard alone, most likely you will be mobbing for them somewhere. As a high priest you should be able to do this with decent gear, as a normal priest you will either need better gear or another character that can mob, so I wouldn’t recommend doing this w/out being trans. Suffragium before they cast as with professors, and as you walk around picking up mobs you can Lex A them.


Whitesmiths can do all of the tanking themselves, so don’t worry about that as long as you’re keeping them buffed and healed. Lex a monsters when possible, but be aware how long the delay is if your partner gets into low hp at all. One of the best possible partners to PvM (in my opinion) is a WS in nameless island 3 killing necros, which actually can be faster than TUing Anubis and is usually beneficial to both characters as opposed to tagging along with a sniper in Thor’s that really doesn’t need you, but to do this you both need decent gear and the WS needs a good weapon.

PvP Support High Priest

Same build as PvM support; operation different. Also, I would get safetywall and drop Gloria and 2 levels of imposito manus. Safety wall is your main defense to asura, so watch out for any champs/monks that look suspicious and be ready to let them waste their sp. Pneuma if you’re fighting snipers/creators, but when fighting snipers it’s also beneficial to keep moving and not stand in one spot like a retard when they start moving in close, because with traps they can completely throw you off your game if they’re good. Bring different elemental armors/garments and no magic class can kill you unassisted or with a priest, even if it’s a prof and your sp gets eaten. Professors are still really dangerous/annoying if there’s a big pvp party though, so be careful. Hide rosary is your friend, you can use it to dodge asuras easier than with safety wall if the champ is too stupid to ruwatch, and you can hide away from magic attacks as well. Lex Aeterna people you’re fighting, unless it’s just you and no one attacking them, because that’s just retarded. Holy light with link is fun if you have high int/dex, just remember that it takes up a lot more sp.

Some of those tips can carry over into WoE, but most of them can’t.

TU Leveling High Priest

* Increase SP Recovery Level 5
* Safety Wall Level 7
* Resurrection Level 4
* Impositio Manus Level 3
* Aspersio Level 4
* Sanctuary Level 3
* Status Recovery Level 1
* Kyrie Eleison Level 4
* Magnificat Level 3
* Gloria Level 5
* Lex Divina Level 5
* Turn Undead Level 10
* Assumptio Level 5
* Meditatio Level 10

Basic TU skill build. Will go into more detail later. SW is completely optional; I would not get it unless you’re job 70, it just allows you to do more things without having to reset every time you want to level/leech others.

For stats, pump dex up to a medium-high level, get 8X int, 30-40 luck, and low-medium vit. Kill Evil Druids until the higher 70’s, and then stay anubis to 99. Anubis gets a lot easier with demi-human resist, but it is very doable without any equips whatsoever, or full npc equips. It is one of the fastest places to level.

You can also head to abbey level 2, and turn undead ragged zombies for tidal shoes. The zeny isn’t that great anymore, but you can overgrade the shoes to use yourself or sell upgraded shoes for a decent amount of zeny if you’re lucky. Magnus E is still a faster build to earn zeny with in most cases.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Db7BlVcnvg&NR=1 A TU Priest killing anubis; shows you how to do pretty much everything. You don’t really need to watch the whole video unless you want to, but it’s helpful if you’re having trouble.

MVP Support High Priest

There are several different ways that you could be supporting an MVP party, depending on what kind of MVP it is and what classes your party consists of. For 90% of the MVP’s out there, your best partner is going to be a champ, and you are going to want to fully buff the champ and lex a the mvp, and casting suffragium on the champ before he/she starts casting asura. Don’t even bother trying to tank, even if you can, because there’s no reason to. For these MVPs, it’s also best to bring fly wings, because you can lex aeterna and then fly wing away without worrying about the huge skill delay aeterna has.

There are three different MVPs (Ifrit, Valkyrie Randgris, and Fallen Bishop Hibram) that your best partner in small parties will still be a champ, but the method of killing is different. The basic concept is the same, but you will be standing outside the portal to the map the MVP is on, and the MVP will be lured (sometimes by you, usually by a paladin) to the portal. Songs and gospel will usually be set up by the door, and you will run out to lex aeterna, then quickly rush back into the portal. If you die, spawn IMMEDIATELY, do not sit there as the mvp will heal itself if is it medium-low hp or less. Also, don’t lex aeterna and then fly wing away like normal mvps; they will still heal if you are anywhere on the map, not just beside them.


For bio MVPs, you will need more people, and I’m only going to cover your job, so it probably won’t help you unless the rest of your guild already knows what they’re doing. Pneuma the wizard as it is icewalling, and pneuma anyone that goes near the icewall. One the mvp is set up and you’re ready to go, just spam safety wall on the tank, and do not let it die; it cannot get much more simple than that. Don’t forget to bring plenty of blue gems.

For Beelzebub, your main job will be status recovering anyone that is stone cursed, and I recommend a medusa carded shield to make sure you don’t get stone cursed as well. If there are other high priests doing that you could also stand in bragi and spam lex aeterna, but this is not a priority compared to the other. Also, do not die. You shouldn’t need to, but bring healing items just in case; the drops from beelze are worth hundreds of times anything you could waste buying mastelas or potions.

Magnus Exorcismus (ME) High Priest

* Increase SP Recovery Level 5
* Safety Wall Level 10
* Resurrection Level 4
* Impositio Manus Level 3
* Aspersio Level 4
* Sanctuary Level 3
* Status Recovery Level 1
* Magnificat Level 5
* Lex Divina Level 5
* Turn Undead Level 3
* Lex Aeterna Level 1
* Magnus Exorcismus Level 10
* Assumptio Level 5
* Meditatio Level 10

Magnus Exorcismus is one of the fastest ways to earn zeny as a high priest once you get 90+. For stats, get very high dex, medium-high int, some vit. A kalitzburg shield is very helpful for mobbing areas with a lot of demon monsters; teddy bear shield for areas with more undead monsters. A mixture of defense and dexterity equips will usually serve you best, and some form of uninterruptable cast is a must; the easiest one to buy is an orleans robe, though with a holy robe you gain more damage resist to demons so you may want a different type such as a phen card. Here’s a video of a priest mobbing with Magnus in geffen 3, which is one of the best maps to earn zeny on.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=n6hHOFZHRYs How to win geffen.

With less defense than this guy has, however, you’re probably going to want to safety wall and walk into it before you cast. Also, as soon as the skill casts, you are able to use a fly wing, and the monsters will stay in the ME after you’re gone, so feel free to do that if you don’t have enough defense or hp to survive tanking the mob.

Also, the reason you’re mobbing geffen 3 besides exp is nightmares; they drop infils, which you can either slot or sell unslotted. Either way, they make a decent amount of zeny.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akoDQyJJtsM&NR=1 An example of the same high priest soloing Geffen GD, with an example of safetywalling yourself before casting ME if you needed one.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcLcEiKC2GE Two priests mobbing Rachel Sanctuary 3.

WoE High Priest

General WoE Advice

(VENTRILO IS A MUST) -> this is a guild guide? wtf?

Recommended High Priest build at job level 70:

* Increase SP Recovery Level 5
* Safety Wall Level 10
* Impositio Manus Level 5
* Suffragium Level 3
* Aspersio Level 5
* Sanctuary Level 7
* Status Recovery Level 1
* Kyrie Eleison Level 10
* Magnificat Level 3
* Lex Divina Level 5
* Lex Aeterna Level 1
* Assumptio Level 5
* Meditatio Level 9

Meditatio doesn’t really matter; you won’t be healing. Bring healing items for both hp and sp, but you don’t have to go over 50% if you don’t want to. The only reason I recommend getting meditatio is because you can bring enough mastelas to stay alive without going over 50% weight capacity; if you prefer bringing more items and go over 50% you don’t need it so put the points somewhere else. Usually you will need far less sp items than hp, which is good, because sp items weigh more.

For WoE equips, full demi-human resist gears and an unfrozen armor are a must. Feather beret, cranial valk shield, immune wool scarf, green ferus tidals, and a marc carded saint robe are bare basic gears than any high priest should have for WoE. Get a long mace for most situations, and a high upgraded Staff of Recovery for when you’re using sanctuary on the emperium. For accessories, you can either use nimble orleans for higher dex or two alligator rosaries for long-ranged resist, or safety rings for more def. Bring as many mastelas as you can carry, and if you go over 50% weight capacity bring sp healing items. A smokie accessory is recommended for dodging asuras and just increasing your general survivability.. Also, if you can zerk pitch yourself do it for less delay while in high int bragis; at the very least use concentration potions.

Battlemode is necessary. For WoE all you really need is a marc and an evil druid in terms of armor, but for garments it’s recommended that you get several different types and practice switching between them. You can be decent without switching anything but armor, but switching garments gives you some extra breathing room. If you only have one garment, I recommend raydric. A dustiness carded garment is also very helpful, since many people wind endow/use wind converters. NEVER wear an evil druid before walking into a precast.

For stat builds, 30 str is minimum for weight capacity. Very high dex is a must. 80+ vit is recommended, higher is usually better. Int should be very low; if you go over 50% weight capacity then it really doesn’t matter. If you’re under 50% then get at least 30 total, you can get higher if you want but not by much. Always end it on a multiple of 6. Don’t get luck or agi.

WoE 1

Your main priority in offense will be getting to the emperium and casting Pneuma where they would like to place a safety wall (top right cell). If there’s a CP, as soon as you get past the song’s effect pneuma the spot where you appeared. Keep everyone buffed while running to the emp, and buff people who get dispelled, but the pneuma over emperium is top priority. Also, if you die your spells (such as pneuma) are removed, so try not to do that.


Keep everyone in the precast buffed, and lex aeterna/decrease agility anyone coming into the portal. Ask for berserk pitch if there’s a linked creator there, or use a concentration potion; if your bragi’er has high int, it will increase the speed that you can spam skills at. Keep a Safety Wall up on the bard/dancer doing classical pluck. If anyone does get past the precast, don’t panic; Alert your guild and make sure no one has them covered before you rush off. Keep the person trying to get to the emperium Lex A’d as much as possible, and most of the time someone will be able to kill them long before they get there in a good guild. If they do get to the emperium, remember to spam safety wall on the top right cell, and keep a sanctuary up.

http://files.filefront.com/k1+LRO+WoE+November+10thavi/;9015580;/filei nfo.html

Observe best hp ever. Do what he does. Also, observe best unassisted e-call in the history of ever.

WoE 2

I have never been to WoE 2 on a high priest, but regarding the emperium it seems to be pretty much the same; try and pneuma it if on offense, and safety wall if on defense. Barricades, however, it is better to pneuma, because most people use ranged attacks on them to avoid walking straight into the wiz line’s spells and to avoid being target #1 for acid demos. Also, it seems to me that pneumaing one cell back from the barricade rather than directly on top of it would be best, so the area of protection does not cover anyone in front of it trying to melee, protecting them from Acid Demos.

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