Table of Contents
* Introduction
* Pros and cons of a Champion
* Builds
o Woe Champion
Stat Build
Skill Build
o Variation : Pure Asura (MVPer)
Stat Build
Skill Build
o The Combo
Stat Build
Skill Build
* Advanced Techniques
So. You want to learn about the champion class. before you start, keep in mind that a champion is one of the hardest classes to get, and has a high learning curve for advanced techniques. Besides that, a champion has a great potential acquired through hard work. It is also, one of the most fun classes to play.
Pros and cons of a Champion
* High damage, 1hko asura’s in WoE, very useful in MvPing situations.
* Versatility, lots PvP strategies for high def, neutral-imune, high hp, etc.
* High learning curve
* Long hours of grinding to level (especially at sleepers)
* Leveling can be very boring, try to change monsters or look for a strategy to bump XP, parties are also nice (nameless parties are the best out there because no need for good gears).
Stat Build
STR: 100-120
STR formula is (STR/10)*2 bonus for every 10th, so if you have 120 str the calculation bonus is given this way:
2+4+6+8+10+12+14+16+18+20+22+24=156 atk BONUS+120 atk per point = 276 atk, now imagine in TSS that every spirit hits 500%, with aspersio and +9 3x santa poring chain you can 2-hit banshees in nameless with throw spirit sphere
INT: 1- 30
more int = more sp pot u need, but higher asura damage, i picked 1 int myself
DEX: 110-140
130 is a must IMO, do what you like
VIT: 50- 80 (50+ for woe is necessary!)
WoE Stats Note:
I prefer something like this (with food and every bonus on, including our buffs)
120 STR
130 DEX
no int? yes. why? because i already kill 95 % of people with 1 asura at woe i need more? yes i want that 5% :(,
... thinking...
well if you not consider auto guard(paladins) and parry (lord knights), you can give some occult impact on them while pneuma'ed to avoid spiral and shield skills, try to avoid these as they are heavily geared versus you and their pot heals 2x more because of increase HP passive bonus, unless you are not alone (you should'nt be alone in woe too much, it can get boring too, try to get woe guilds)
Skill Build
* Heal 3
* Increase Agi 1 (you need it to run faster only)
* Blessing 10
* Pneuma tree (8 total points)
* Heal 9
* Decrease Agi 1
* Divine Protection 10
* Demon Bane 10
* Fury 5
* Zen
* Asura Strike 5
* Occult 5
* TSS 5
* Iron Fist 10
* Raging Palm Strike 5
* Snap
* Root 3
* Heal 1
* 2 Points remaining at job 70
NOTE: when say PVM think of it as "for leveling"
For PvP: Use a +7-10 stunner (2) (slotted via the socket enchant npc) 2 hydra cards should be slotted in this. Can be very expensive to unlucky fellas..
For WoE: +9 lich’s bone wand, 2 hydra cards. The sp bonus contributes a LOT to your asura strike damage, but it is useless unless you can pot back to full SP (this also means stunner has a little less damage, but you waste less SP pots).
For MvP: +9 lich’s bone wand with 2 abysmal knight cards
* Valkyrian Armor - adds +1 all stats, which is very useful and its unbreakable.
* Odin’s blessing (1) - (paired with ulle’s cap) - Of course, good, but only use it if you can’t get a valk armor.
* Orlean’s Robes (1) - +15% cast time, no interruptions - this is great. stack a porcellio in it and use it for leveling (or wear Morpheus Set).
* Silk robe (1) - +10 mdef, but probably not your gear of choice.
Armor cards
* Evil druid
* Marc
* Porcellio - this card is great for leveling. While TSSing, asuraing, occulting, this card is GREAT to have. Just take it off in PvP/ WoE =P
* Valkyrja’s Shield (PVP)
* Stone buckler (PVM - MVP)
* Orlean’s plate, if you have orlean’s gloves, it gives a cast deduction, which can be very userful. (anything)
Shield cards
* Thara Frog (PVP-WOE)
* Alice (MVP)
* Hondremlin (PVM)
Upper Headgear:
* Ulle’s cap(1) - 2 dex 1 agi
* Feather beret - 10% demi human resistence
* Morpheus’s hood - for leveling (part of Morpheus's Set)
* Alice Doll(1) - 10 % demi human dmg boost, !1str!
Upper Headgear cards
* Incubus - +147 sp
* Maya purple - If you are a mvp card maniac =)
Middle Headgear:
Sunglasses(1) - if you can afford
Masquerade (PVP)
Evil Wings Ear - 1 str 1 def, kinda a good looking headgear.
Garment / Shoes
Remember, as a champ, you need all the sp you can get ^_^.
* Wool Scarf + Tidal Shoes (+7-+9): Excellent combo. Stack a raydric (recommended) card or noxious in the wool, and a green ferus, verit or firelock(recommended) in the tidals.
* Variant shoes (+0)- this is the main boots, i would only change it to a +9 tidal with firelock
* Morpheus’s Shawl (leveling)
* 2x Nimble Gloves (or orlean’s if you can afford)
* Alligator / Smokie carded rosaries are always good to have.
* Morpheus’s Ring / Bracelet (leveling)
* +5 str food is a must. It is VERY easy to make.
* Recommended for woe +7 vit +8 dex +8 str
Ok. So leveling this badass. As an acolyte, I recommend you party until job 50, with a ranged / magic class to kill siromas, geographers, enchanted peach trees (don't forget pneuma), or maybe adventure in GH prison. Enough said, quickest and most painless way. However, if you have to solo, you can try zombies at Payon Cave level 1 until you get Pneuma and kill firelocks. After you obtain Pneuma, head to Amatsu Dungeon floor 1. Use Pneuma on yourself, heal/hit the Firelock a few times, pneuma otherside of him, move into other pneuma, heal/hit again, etc. SP itens are nice if you can afford, if you can't (or don't have a prof as friend) just sit and rest your eyes a little bit.
As a champion, you should be level 6x. Do some exp reward quests (curse of gae bolg, eye of hellion, etc) to get you into the high 7x’s EASY. Now, how you level will depend on your zeny.
If you have a morpheus’s set and a triple peco egg chain go to thor’s dungeon 01. With 110 str, and around 1400sp, you will be able to 1hko (1 hit kill) the kasa’s with Asura strike. So easy painless leveling: Asura strike, bwing IMMEDIEATLY, heal, summon spirits, fury, spirits, warp to thors, etc. This is by far faster then other ways to level this build. If you want some money but it is not as great XP as thors, kill abysmal knights in geffenia seeking their cards (which worth 30.000.000z in the server i play), with a 3x santa poring chain (+9 if possible).
With triple peco egg chain, memo a warp to sleepers, and with ~120 str (or knocker+porcellio and 110str), and 1hko occult impact the sleepers. This will work without that chain, but you will have to 2 hit. Save the great natures, (you should break them apart into green lives, quest required), and bam, you have tons of zeny.
Now, if you’re a poor boy and don’t have any zeny at all, you can follow the method of asura-ing at thors, but do it on banshees in abbey sanctuary. Put on a plain old stunner [0]. 900sp+ will 1hko them. Roll in the wool scarfs, and sell them to the community ^_^.
Variation : Pure Asura Champ : The MvPer
Honestly, the War Champ can pull off good 100-120K asuras using a morpheus set and specialized weapons, but for the whole 150k asura, this is the build.
The MVPer: Stats
STR : 110-130
Strength is huge in asura strike damage.
INT : 90+
Intelligence provides SP, and SP provides a greater Asura strike damage smile.
DEX: 50+
You need to pull out asura.. more cast the better
The MVPer: Skill build
as stats you can have the same as the earlier of this guide
The MVPer: Equipment
* +9 Double Abysmal Knight Lich’s Bone Wand - Provides greatest asura strike damage on MvPs/ bosses.
* Morpheus’s Set (hood, bracelet, ring, shawl) - More sp = higher asura strike damage
* Porcellio Carded Armor - This does +25 atk, great asura increase, provides more damage then roda frog.
* Variant shoes - +20% sp
* Sohee Carded Shoes - if you can’t get variants.
* Alice carded shield - boss damage reduction.
They said an alternative build
* Incubus Ulle's Cap - 144 sp(card) + 2 dex is awsome.
2x Diabolus ring with zerom card
Orleans uniform with porcelio
skin of ventoss(or wool) with giant whisper card
but its very very expensive and its probably weaker (but faster asura)
if anyone test it give me a feed back so i can update the guide
The MVPer: Leveling
You should only reset to an MvP build if you are already a high level. If you don’t plan on resetting, follow the asura-ing in the War Champ’s leveling guide.
The Combo Champion :
Ok. The most unused champ in the world, and BY FAR the most fun to PvM. Too bad they’re pretty bad in PvP, unless you know how to use them.
Stat Build
STR: 110-130
This is the most important skill of the comboist champ.
AGI: 80+
Yes, AGI. You are a comboist~. This stat is highly dependent on the equips you are wearing. If you have a berserk / horn of the buffalo, you can lower the agi.
VIT: 30-60
Vitality. So you won’t have to heal as much.
INT: 30-60
If you want to keep comboing, your sp pool will run out quick. You need the int to get more sp ^_^.
DEX: 50-100
Mainly on preference. I prefer getting a high dex amount; however you can cut down on dex and push up on agi.
The Combo Champion: Skill Build
Ok. Follow the acolyte point allotting the same way as the one on the Acolyte.
For Champion, it is your preference. I prefer getting the basic combo maxed (5 RTB, 5 RQB, 5 combo finish), then getting zen and snap, then getting 5 glacier fist and 10 chain crush combo; however it’s up to you.
You can even forego snap completely, and invest points in raging palm strike (which is KILLER at 180 aspd) and increase agility (I guess o_o).
The Combo Champion: Equipment
Ok. Back to the weapon again. You are going to be comboing, so you have a few choices.
* Barrage fist (4) with race / element / size cards (2 race, 2 elemental is the best)
* Berserk - Godly. If you manage to get a slot, even godlier. Helps out aspd a LOT. Stack it w/ a phreeoni or a hydra if you ever manage to slot it @_@.
* Stunner (2) - stunning at 10% chance with a full combo and 176ish aspd is VERY NICE~
* Odin’s Blessing (great, can be used with fricco, falcon, odin, fricca, and valk happy.gif)
* Valkyrian Armor - +1 all stats, and a combo champ uses 5/6 stats.
* Pantie - for lower level leveling =P
Armor cards:
* Porcellio - USE THIS IT ROX.
* Marc - if you ever happen to PvP (people will laugh at you xD)
* Valkyrja’s Shield : godly.
* Stone buckler : +5% large resist, helps in leveling.
Shield cards
* Thara frog - no brainer
* Hodremlin - in a valk shield.. you have a really good def against a LOT of monsters
Upper Headgear
* Fricca’s circlet (with odin’s blessing and valk shield) (nice little combo, recommended for low income champs).
* Feather beret (yep this appears again)
* Ulle’s Cap
* Marionette Doll
Upper Headgear cards:
* Vanberk - the strength helps this build out happy.gif.
* Incubus - yeah, +147 sp is beast.
* Maya purple - woah I said it again~
* Cramp - useful w/ tarou.
Middle Headgear:
* Evil / Angel wings
* Sunglasses (1)
Garment / Shoes
* Falcon muffler / fricco’s shoes - Great cheap combo
* Vali’s Manteau / Vidar’s boots - another great combo happy.gif
* Undershirt - for low level leveling
* +9 Orc Baby carded hood - +15 flee and +15% neutral resist? amazing~ (doesn’t even have to be +9, and you can get 10 flee / 10% reduc
* Variant shoes - God these shoes are beast~
* Ring (1)
* Glove (orleans or norm) (1)
* Horn of the buffalo (1)
Accessory cards
* Zeroms - +3 dex is your best friend
* Mantis - +3 str is also your best friend~
* Smokie carded rosary is always nice to have
* +5 str food is a must. It is VERY easy to make.
* The rest is up to you =P. (+dex, +vit, +int recommended for WoE)
Follow acolyte leveling just like the War Champs. When you reach level 6x champ, again do some quests to level up a bit. If you can’t do the quests, here are some leveling maps.
The combo champion is like an agi melee class, but it has its perks, like self buffing, healing, and using spirit sphere absorb on monsters to regain sp.
* Orc Dungeon 2, zenorcs
* Lutie Dungeon (toy factory) 2
* Raydrics
* High Orcs (if you can outflee, its easy ^_^)
* Anolians
* Nifleheim (Valley)
Once you get level 80, go to anubis. Then, use blessing on the anubis’s, so that you can dodge ‘em really easily. Punch em to death, with either an elemental fist, or a fire endowed or asperiso’d berserk or barrage fist. Use spirit sphere absorb on the pasanas to regain SP. Easy, you will level fast.
Other then anubis, the combo champion has a very large array of places to solo. Some easy ones are,
* Niffleheim
* High Orcs
* Siromas
* Knockers (great job exp)
Advanced Techniques
Ok. All of this information below is directed for War Champs.
Raging Palm Strike
- Ok. This is by far the most cancelable skill. By cancelling I mean, if you physically move your character, there will be no after cast delay and you can cast again. Now, RPS doesn’t have a cast, so it works differently. If you cast RPS on a champion, you can see that there is a delay between when you cast it and when it hits. During this delay, if you time carefully, you can do various things.
NOTE: As RPS is aspd based, you can take off your weapon or use an awakening potion to help cancel it. Higher aspd you have, easier to cancel.
1. You can move, between cast and hit, so that the opponent will be hit in a direction other away from where you casted from. This can be seen in a video, here.
2. You can sit in this delay, to cancel it; instead of moving. Watch here. (note, I’ll get to the asura part later).
3. You can snap directly after casting, and hit someone out of a corner. Watch here. (note, you don’t have to sit if you take your weapon off / use awakening).
Now, let me step back a bit. You can cast asura strike, directly after raging palm striking. What will happen, is the asura strike will hit in the delay between casting and hitting RPS, and the RPS will hit AFTER. Keep in mind, that you can’t asura strike until 2 seconds after snap.
Occult Dancing
All right. Now down to, probably the hardest technique a champion can achieve. Watch here.
Keep in mind, that this is a VERY hard technique to master. All you have to do, is get the rhythm.
How to do it:
Cast occult impact. Almost near the end of the cast, click on a square next to you, and cast occult on the enemy again. This will allow you to launch occult impacts many times faster then if you do them normally.
Snap dodging
Snap dodging is a really old trick, but still useful. Think about leveling in thors with a hunter. When you’re targeted, you tele away no doubt. You can see the damage, but the damage isn’t applied on you. This is basically what happens when you snap far enough away from your enemy, the INSTANT you get damaged. You can snap dodge asuras, EDP sonic blows, etc. Watch it here.
Snap-Asura Combo
It is possible to cast asura directly after snap. To do this, you need to snap, pause, and snap again. What happens is, the 2 second delay to asura after snap is not reset by the second snap; most of the time you will get a shorter delay or no delay at all. Therefore, you can cast Asura directly after snapping.
Hiding under ruwach
Very effective, though not really a champion specific skill. What happens, is if you’re under ruwach, and use a smokie card to hide, you WILL pull hiding off; and if timed correctly, you can dodge Asura’s, spells, and what not with it.
How to learn / practice these techniques
Ok. Occult Dancing first.
Get a biochemy to make a mushroom for you in town, and first practice just MOVING right after casting occult. You will know when you’ve done it right, when you move directly after your cast ends. After you get this a couple of times, start occulting again. That step will take the longest time.
Again, timing is everything. Start tapping your foot to the clicks.
Now, the raging palm strike canceling.
It is, a LOT easier then OI dancing. First, let me recommend that you do NOT sit, as you can cancel it reasonably well without sitting, using an awakening. All of the RPS techniques are pretty easy to master in a day, except moving (see 1st video). Again, timing is the key issue. Time time time~.
Another note: I don’t recommend practicing until you have reached your final dex amount, as a change in cast time will mess you up in OI dancing.
Ok; addon: Snap- direct asura.
First, snap around, and keep hitting the asura key. Note the delay. Now, snap twice, with a little pause (less then a sec), and asura again. The delay will have reduced significantly. Timing is everything, practice by snapping around near a healer and just getting the Asura selector circle up after snap.
Using a champ well in PvP / WoE requires a lot off coordination and reflex. The combo champion was not really intended for PK, so it will be left out of this part of the guide.
Champion Vs. Champion Duel
A champ vs. champ duel is all about reflexes. From the instant it starts, you will need to concentrate hard on the opponent’s moves and your counterattacks. If anyone gets a slight edge in the duel, i.e. the other champ starts to heal.
Your reaction time matters heavily in a champ duel. When the other champ uses TSS, you use pneuma on yourself. In the slight space of time between your pneuma and the end of the TSS cast, you have time to react.
Ideally, you should try and absorb the opposing champ’s spirit spheres as soon as he casts them. Use your full arsenal of skills on a champion;
* TSS if they’re not in a pneuma
* RPS to knock em out of a pneuma, its also a huge powerhouse
* OI, deals great damage, but expect opposing champ to snap away if you try to land a couple of them on him.
* Snap, to get away from the champ
* Pneuma yourself
Now, if asura is permitted, you can easily dodge the asura with snap-dodging or a hide clip.
Vs. Lord Knight
Ok. Decrease Agi him ASAP. While he’s decrease agi’d, you can outrun easily, especially with snap. Don’t let them get near you, no matter what you do. Snap around, TSS him, go in for occults, pneuma spiral pierce (though like no one plays spiral here).
I’d recommend Snapping around and TSSing, but if they have a hide clip, and dodge your TSS, going in for an asura may be your only option.
A full occult dance will pull of a lot of damage on the LKs, but then again, if you get near them, you’re dead.
Vs. Paladin
Hard duel. Occult dance them, or pull an asura. If you 1hko them without dying, great~. The reflect really kills you D:… If you’re confident you can 1hko them, lower your SP by casting blessing or other spells, then go in for asura. The trick is to get off a high enough asura that it kills them, but low enough that it won’t kill you.
Vs. High Wizard
A smokie clip will help you out greatly in this duel. Don’t let them freeze or stone you, whatsoever. If they manage to get a SG on top of you, snap out or hide. Other then that, use TSS and RPS to take them down.
Vs. Scholar
Skip em, unless you can land a lucky asura. Dispell + Sp stealing.
Vs. High Priest
Occult dancing will hurt them, a lot. Asura strike them if you must, you can use RPS canceling to knock them out of SW’s and asura.
Vs. Whitesmith
Like LK, don’t let him HSCR (high speed cart ram) you. Decrease agi + snap around. If they have a hide clip, and dodge the TSS, asura again might be your only option.
Vs. Biochemist
Pneuma, don’t let him get an AD on you. Kill his homun with occult impact, and follow the same or TSS / Asura the creator.
Vs. Assassin Cross
If they’re EDP’d, then make sure they don’t touch you. You can snap-dodge the damage, and then go in for asura.
Vs. Stalker
Don’t ever, ever, ever, let them full strip you. Wear an ED armor, as some will try to stone curse you and strip you then. Pull off an asura, or occult them.
Vs. Clown
Wear a marc/ ED, so you don’t get frozen with his frost joke. Tarot cards can take you down; don’t let them, by snapping out of range.
Vs. Gypsy
Easier then clown, slightly. Can’t say much, never dueled one.
Vs. Sniper
One of the easiest classes to take with a champion, but can be one of the hardest. Pneuma yourself and TSS the sniper. If he has a smokie, and hide dodges it, this battle will be a pain. Decrease agi him, snap near him and RPS. If you’re using a sl stunner, keep pulling of RPS’s, and snapping away into a pneuma to heal. If you manage to stun him, a TSS will take him down quick.
Now, if he manages to trap in an ankle snare, SNAP AWAY. Remember, you can still snap while you’re ankle snared. He will most likely try and arrow shower a shockwave trap or sandman under you, then slide you out. Either way, it’s NOT GOOD.
A fun little tactic is wait until he lays down the shockwave trap, then snap to the other side of him and RPS him into his own trap ^_^.
Vs. Ninja
Oh god ninjas… Champ-bane… Snap dodge away from their high level spells. Nothing you can do will touch em. If they’re ninjutsu, you can use a hiding clip and hide the spells. Pretty much the only way to kill these buggers solo is to RPS them into a wall, snap towards em, and keep RPSing them against the wall til they die..
Vs. Gunslinger
Haven’t dueled many, just don’t let desperado get you; snap away if it does.
Vs. Taekwon Ranker
Decrease agi, don’t let em get near you, TSS, etc.. Snap away if they flying side kick.
This Guide was entirely created by A l t h a r e s from LegacyRO
changes like some comments made by me.
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