One of the best ragnarok classes. Very easy and enjoyable character to play with, it is the "all around" generic character for pretty much ANYTHING. But, it comes with a cost: or you need high agi and flee gears (which is fun but not as fast as a sniper to hunt noob to medium monsters, or you will spend 1,500 zeny each hit. And preferably you will want that money back from the monster reward. Right?
Well. Analizing the ragnarok monsters, most of them don't reward you back the 1,500 zeny as income, but they will reward otherway as experience, etc...
So from my experience, a blacksmith should focus on axe build and buffs, and he is so good and strong with flee gears, they can hunt anywhere. What i advise is go to and make an "Advanced Search" and add there your flee and see what monsters hit you at 5% rate. Grab some health potions and go go.
Blacksmith Stats, skills and gears.
To level up, focus on agi, will be your main atribute.
Level 91 Blacksmith:
Mid STR (78+22)
High AGI (90+25)
Low VIT (24+6)
Low DEX (28+22) Focus 40 dex with lvl. 10 blessing
LUK 1. Some people like adding luck. I agree with them... If i ever want to hit a high def monster, i'll use cart termination with ice pick later on tho... way more efficient
Remember that as blacksmith survival is very important. If you can get a Whisper Card or something, and stay with 1 Vit, your STR will greatly increase. Some Blacksmiths sacrifice everything for 90 str 90 agi
And, I deeply hate the VIT builds for PvM for any class, because flee is just SO GOOD on PvM... and it gives attack speed, who doesn't like that... glass cannon very fast and strong melee character. =o
For gears i recommend every STR gear you can put your hands on, and SPECIALLY +ATTACK ones! Those are HUGE increase on your damage per second, specially if yo
Luck stats (for the ones that like it)
I would give it a try... it's fun stat, if you can reset on your server, give it a try!! c'mon guys =D
if you don't like it sell the gears and reset, simple said, simple done!
Level 91 Critical Blacksmith:
Remember that every 3 Luk gives 1 Critical only.
So Critical gears are a must...
There are 2 types of critical gears.
Morrigane's Set (Morrigane's Belt [0], Morrigane's Helm [0], Morrigane's Manteau [0] and Morrigane's Pendant [0])
Hurricane's Fury or Heart Breaker (HF have higher damage, HB gives critical)
Critical rings
Green Maiden / Whisper / Raydric / Baphomet Jr. Card on a garment. your choice.
HF/HB, BattleGround weap
Ulle's cap with Vanberk card is SO GOOD! I love those full crit seconds...
weapon always with converters, aspersio or cursed water...
try to achieve high upgraded armors, they shine on any mans eyes.. nevermind they being so expensive... every +8 on your body will make you feel very good...
Leveling monsters... if you feel it is too easy because of your awsome build, skip some monsters and go level at stronger places :]
Level 13-20: Rockers
Level 21 - 30: Peco Peco/Boa
Level 31 - 40: Elder Willows
Level 40 - 53: Bylan 2-3
Level 53 - 60: Bylan 3-4
Level 60 - 75: Zen Orc/Cobold
Level 75 - 80: Sphinx 3
Level 80 - 99: Sphinx 4, Pyramids B2, CT 4 (High Orcs)
Other maps: Niflheim, Nameless Dungeon (with party or with good gears like Bathory Card), Rachel Dungeon, Ice Dungeon, Comodo Fields (alligators and anolians)
Whitesmith part of the guide here:
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