PvM / Farmer / Tanker Creator Guide

Hey guys, what's up?
So i'm here to show you one weird build. It is focused to support your vanil or maybe your leaf, with good survivality in places even snipers go down fast.

For Stats:
There are 2 main concerns in this build:
*The ability to tank/avoid damage.
*The ability to support better your homunculus.

STR points should go for weight problems. Even tho you got a cart with you all the times, it is important to have some STR because you'll be carrying white potions and what not to heal up yourself and your summon. 1 point if you feel you don't need it, 10-30 is recommended, 80+ is kinda a waste, unless you can afk hunt on your server, then 99str all the way budy :).

Agility really depends on what kind of gear you can spend. AGI gear tends to be cheaper then +7, +8 armors with +%HP, -%dmg taken cards. I'd add all extra point i'd get 1-80

This guy is the main stat of the build, because of the vit def, will help out on the fast atack monsters, while AGI helps more on the low tohit ones.
30-99 recommended

Int increases SP recovery and heal power. Some people enjoy suiciding their homunculus and spam them again, others berserk and resummon before it times out, both consume a considerable ammount of SP. 30-80 is really good.

Mainly for homunc casting speed. It's 150 dex to be instant, so 90 buffed sounds pretty good... this build should have some dex, i'd go for ending dex 60, hardly 90.
Just so you know, having high casting speed doesnt matter if you run out of SP, which doesnt matter if you can tank after the summon dies. So tanking and supporting should come first. Dex does the rest.

nothing. The bonuses are way garbage thats why :(.

So yeah, some builds right now!

+7 Def6 Headgear is awsome already. Anything with more defense or higher upgrades will make your character shine.

+7 Lord's Clothes/+9 Chain Mail or better, with some good card in it. Good ones i refer to bathory, incubus combo with headgear, etc

2x Safety Rings

+0 Valk Shoes is pretty good
+4 Diabolos / +7 Tidals would fit a matyr or something cheap, recommended if you're going Wool scarf

Now the main gear
+7 Wool scarf/Valk Mant/Diabolos (Diablo's?) with Raydric Card(<- You need this card!) Fortune sword (Fortune Dagger on some servers) +20 Lucky dodge just can't be avoided! It's 20% of physical attacks evasion. +4 to +8 Valkyrie Shield with Hondremlin Card. I got a +9 on me since i use it pretty often for PVM/MVP Also Mid Gears with Def if you can afford. Creator Farmer build. STR 99 AGI 1 VIT 77+3 INT 41+7 DEX 43+14 LUK 1+11 Support Inclined build. STR 30 AGI 1 VIT 77+3 INT 77+7 DEX 80+14 LUK 1+11 Tank Inclined build. STR 30 AGI 77 VIT 77+3 INT 1 (it's never good to have 1 int. I'd reduce 24 dex for int) DEX 80+14 LUK 1+11 I hope you guys enjoyed the builds. See you on Ragnarok! By the way, i'm looking for a server to join with friends, this one is boring with all the market in our hands. Want tip for making money selling on market? I got tips for that here.

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