New player on the server?
Monsters to hunt:
Live Peach Tree / Enchanted Peach Tree: Royal Jelly, Dead Branch, Old Blue Box(rare)
Mavka: Blue Herb, Crystal Mirror, Witherless Rose, Principles of Magic [2](rare)
Knight of Abyss / Abysmal Knight: Oridecon, Elunium, Lord's Clothes [1](rare), Abysmal Knight Card(rare)
Hodremlin: Witch Starsand, Hodremlin Card
Etc. There are a lot of monsters that snipers take advantage of. Snipers are good at taking down easy targets. So they kill them faster because of his range. So if you decide to hunt a card that worths 2 million and there is another card at 1.5 million and the monster have a better spawn and lower health. Choose it. (if the market of the same cards are on same demand rate!)
Bored of sniper? Don't like archers?
Make an Assassin Cross. Tho you need to get/buy different katars for different elements. Sonic Break spam one shots stronger monsters which snipers take a litle longer time to kill. Slotted elemental Katars are overpowered and lovely! But they come with a zeny price :)
But what is his disvantage comparing the most common hunter (SNIPER)?
LOW | LOW SP AMMOUNT (LOW= Some hunts require SP potions pam)
YES | NO, YES RANGED? (Sin-x is ranged with grimtooth, but not with sonic blow)
MED | HIGH Damage per Second
only HP| all kinds Need Buffers 24/7? (High Priest, link, professor), Sniper with Orc Archer's Bow needs Professor as well. And some kinds of snipers need link, most of them don't..
YES | NO Good at killing noob mobs? (sniper have range so he kills them way faster)
YES | YES Good at killing medium to hard mobs? (i can list mvps here)
NO | YES Good at killing powerful mobs? (for example, sinx 1shot hodremlin, and sniper need to hit from 2 to 6 Sharp Shooting... That is a lot of SP.. And mobbing on a map that have Seekers isn't good. They will kill your SP if they look at you...
Can High Wizards make zeny fast?
They are average hunters... Huge ammounts of Intelligence and Dexterity required. And having a Clown/Bard following around can be slow and boring. So to make zeny as HW, i recommend Jupter Thunder one shot monsters. Or Storm Gust/SS. If you can't 1shot as HW. Don't do it, it is a waste of time, and you may die. HW's can make money at rare drops and card hunts.Nothing else.
Why not Mavka's / Enchanted Peaches? 1. They are ranged. So I saw some High Wizards using Fire Pillar on them. It works wonders. Bad side? low weight for Royal Jellies and those Witherless Flowers. Stick with rare drops...
Can Paladins make money Fast?
Hell yeah they can! Stick with boomerang and soul link yourself. My friend used to kill Abysmal Knights with 3 shots, and he decided to add Int because he spammed so much on Glast Heim that his SP pool ran out too quickly. And the Eluniums from Raydrics/AKs are very profitable. Considering Paladins run sooo fast buffed (which means you will need a high priest and a soul linker for paladin hunts) the hunt is really entertaining to do.
I myself have experience with this hunt. It is also good to hunt in:
Glast Heim for the reasons written above
Kiel Dungeon for Orlean's Sever, Royal Cooking Set and Alice Card.
New World maps for Lunakaligo [3] / Luna Kaleet [3], Cold Heart [0], Sprint Shoes [1]
Anything at all guys. Boomerang hits from 3.000 to 8.000 the damage is very gear/stat heavy.
Can Champions make money fast?
No. They hunt MvPs normally. So some MvPs have loots worth 200k to 5 million. So it is your choice to hunt MvPs for middle to rare drops. Or for cards. Second choice is harder, but the reward is unique. :)
Can Stalkers make money fast?
They arent much of an offensive character. No they don't make money fast. Try between sniper and High wizard strategies. With plagiarize, you can choose between casting spells around for cards, or headshotting with arrows (plagiarize ankle snare).
Can Whitesmiths make money fast?
Yes they can! Whitesmith became the general purpuse character of ragnarok (early days of this game was the Knight, Blacksmith was behind, besides mammonite power!)
Whitesmiths most common place to make money is Geffenia with an ice pick. Tales tell that they can make up to 8 million zenies per hour (depending on rates of the server) They can still Cart Termination anything and end up paying his costs of the skill most of the time(besides PvP). Whitesmiths can MvP with Safety wall, and they are heavy tankers with good health points and defense on gears. When Geffenia gets boring, try other places as Glast Heim and Stalactic Golems. They give a lot of Elunium and cards are sweet sweet(sweet). Hope i already said that cards there are sweet. ^^ Have a nice zeny hunt guys.
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