Assassin Guide PvM, MvP, WoE

Credits for my guildleader: Feare

After playing this class over three expansive servers, I decided to whip up a quick-ish guide right here on the DestinaRO forums. I won't get too much into leveling a Thief to an Assassin to an Assassin Cross (Won't lay out everything on a silver platter, where's the fun in that?), but I will tell you where to go, and you're free to experiment from there.

Alright, so let's get right into the Assassin builds, shall we? You know, the part where it gets fun after a long time leveling from a little Thief.

*Note*: This basic introduction is more oriented towards players very new to the class, if you want to simply see Stat and Skill builds, skip down to the "TL;DR" section - it is in bold type and in size 7 Font, hard to miss.

Right off the bat (at early levels) Assassin Crosses (I'm going to refer to these as SinX) are one of the most versatile classes in RO. Not only are they capable of going in almost any path (be it a tank, a high burst damager, a high damager-per-second, or even a high magic attacker), they can do all these extremely well.

Personally, I prefer the bread-n-butter "basic" leveling build (even as an Assassin) because it is very efficient - and by far the easiest way to go.

Quite Simply:

Cloaking Maxed
Grimtooth Maxed
Sonic Blow (Optional @ Maxed)
Katar Mastery (Enough to get Sonic Blow/Grimtooth, or Max once you get more job points)

...are all the skills you have to worry about if you follow the Grimtooth leveling path (I.e. the "basic" build). Obviously, you're going to need the other Thief Skills as well (prerequisites, and just because you have all those Thief job points that HAVE to go somewhere):

Improve Dodge Maxed
Double Attack Maxed
Steal @ level 5+
...And Hide, which is a Thief skill.
(Add Envenom Maxed and Detoxify if Assassin Cross for the "Create Deadly Poison" skill)

So, with those skills in hand, you need stats

At about level 90, something along this path is what you should be aiming for:

At least 110 STR (This means STR gear such as Ring[1] with Mantis Cards, or Rings[0], along with Base STR, along with the +10 Blessing buff from an Acolyte Class)
Around 90 AGI (Similar to above, should include level 10 Increase Agility buff from an Acolyte Class)
About 40-50 DEX (for hitting things, includes Blessing buff as well)
INT/VIT/LUK are next-to-useless stats when it comes to a PvM Grimtooth SinX, so I won't mention them.

An optimal build at level 90+ (Assassin, not Assassin Cross) would be 120 STR rather than 110 (With additional STR/ATK gears if you can afford them).

Now that that's done, you're ready to go and level that Assassin Cross of yours.

From as low as level 60, you can go Grimtooth-crazy and rack in a lot of EXP per mob. (More on how to mob below)

So, the basic idea is to use your active skills to lure many monsters close at once, then kill them all at once. Cloaking while luring can help if a monster is too close to you. Once you have a mob of monsters (which can range from as little as 3-4 monsters to more than 50 monsters at once), you use Hide - I.e. you're invisible, but cannot move or use any skills except - wait - Grimtooth! The only requirement for Grimtooth is that you are Hiding (Not Cloaking) and have a Katar-type weapon equipped. Now, Grimtooth is an attack-speed based skill, so those high AGI points help, along with the Increase Agility buff and an Awakening Potion for more ASPD.


That's basically all there is to leveling an Assassin, unless you want to go into one of the juvenile, rarely-used builds such as Double-Dagger or Critical Assassin builds (Which are a LOT less efficient because you can only hit one monster at a time, doing less damage-per-second in the long run). These will be talked-about in the Builds section, past the TL;DR, which, because I'm done with the leveling part. I'll explain this leveling in more detail below, and I'll break it up by level intervals. HOWEVER, I'll be doing this for the Mob/Grimtooth build, with the exception of "Party leveling" Where I'll make reference to some of the other builds.


Table of Contents:

PvM Builds [BLDS1]
Applications [APLCS]
PvP/WoE Builds [BLDS2]
Gear and Items for PvM/PvP/WoE Explained [GRITM]
My own Assassin Cross's stats, skills and equipment [MYSTS]
General Assassin/Cross Tips [TIPZ1]
PvP/WoE Tips [TIPZ2]
Leveling Spots, because people asked for it [LVLSP]


Following the section on "builds," there is a brief summary on how to use these builds, under the heading of Applications. The Applications section also has tips on *where* to use these builds (I.e. what monsters etc.)

PvM Builds: [BLDS1]

Basic Grimtooth/AGI: (High DPS)

120 STR
110 AGI
50 DEX

Hide, Cloak 10, Katar Mastery, Sonic Blow 5+, Grimtooth 5, Advanced Katar Mastery 5/Enchant Deadly Poison 5 (If Assassin Cross)

Basic Sonic Blow/STR: (High Burst)

Stats: (Can also be the same as the Basic Grimtooth/AGI build) - or -
120 STR
70+ VIT
40-50+ DEX

Same as Grimtooth/AGI

Basic Soul Destroyer/INT/STR: (Assassin Cross Only)

120-130 STR
50-60 INT
70-80+ DEX

Hide, Cloak 10, Enchant Poison 6, Soul Destroyer 10 (+ Optional Sonic Blow/Grimtooth)

Flee Tank/AGI/VIT: (May be used in parties where the SinX is the lurer and tanker)

10-20 STR
110 AGI
97+ VIT
Whatever's left into LUK

Hide, Cloak 10 (Katar Mastery, Soul Destroyer, Grimtooth, Sonic Blow, Meteor Assault optional for mobcontrol/luring)

Full Tank/VIT/INT: (Same usage as Flee Tank/AGI/VIT, but in areas where magic attack is heavy)

10-20 STR
97+ VIT
97+ INT
10-20 AGI
Whatever's left into LUK

Same as Flee Tank/AGI/VIT

*I won't discuss the Critical and Double Dagger builds here, because those are rarely used nowadays. Still, if you'd like information on them, feel free to ask me in-game, in a response to this, or simply through a forum PM.
- Also, take a look at My Critical Sin/X Guide for more information regarding Critical builds, with a bit of Double-Dagger information.

So, as you've probably realized by now - from all those builds - not only can an Assassin/Cross be an amazing Tank/Lurer (Because of the high HP mod AND the high flee), they can also deal great amounts of damage. Keep in mind, all the above builds are PvM-based ONLY. I'll talk about PvP/WoE down below, because there are only 1-2 builds to follow for them.

Applications: [APLCS]


Like I mentioned, use this mainly for leveling. Mobbing is 10x more efficient (and is only useful with Grimtooth) and you die infrequently once you've mastered this build.

Quite simply, you mob a few monsters (I.e. get them to follow you) and, using Cloak, get as many of them within a 3x3 radius of each other as possible (Because Grimtooth is 3x3 splash damage). Once you've done that, you go into hiding (can be accessed directly through Cloak, or by uncloaking and moving around as well) and you can use Grimtooth from within hide. (It's only usable IN Hide). Aim for the centre of the mob to deal as much damage to as many of the mobbed monsters as possible. Practice makes perfect!

*In addition to this build, there was an old method (a bug, perhaps?) that still works on RO today for just about every Grimtooth build, whether it's PvM or PvP. Assassin/Crosses have the ability to use Status Arrows! The slot for "Venom Knife" can be overwritten by simply equipping whatever Status Arrow you want, much like using it on an Archer class. "Status" arrows include, but are not limited to, Sleep Arrows, Mute Arrows, Cursed Arrows and Stun Arrows. Equipping the respective arrow allows the status to pass through while using Grimtooth, and with the high number of monster you are controlling, the status triggers often. Personally, my "favourites" for PvM are Stun Arrows for lower-end areas, and Cursed Arrows for enemies with high VIT that don't stun for long. In WoE, Status arrows are a necessity if you plan on going on the defensive, and even as an offensive SinX attacking the precast.

Sonic Blow/STR

This build is more for powerleveling at places like bio3 at 90+. The high str and a nicely carded weapon, along with a Soul Link buff and EDP compensates for *very* high damage.
Following the 120 STR build, a (Skeleton Worker) Infiltrator, a SoulLink, Enchant Deadly Poison, Blessing/Agi, and lastly Cursed Water at Biolabs level 3 allows you to one-shot SB the High Priests and high wizards for the best solo EXP in the game. (Though a bit costly, it pays off very well in terms of level, and a bit in terms of zeny with their item drops). This can also double as a semi-PvP build to play around with.

Soul Destroyer/STR/INT

You *can* use this build to PvP/WoE with as well (just like any other build) but it's next to useless due to the large range nerfs in WoE, and other PvPers' demihuman reductions. In any case, a short sum-up of Soul Destroyer makes it basically a ranged Sin(X only) skill. It should only be used in PvM unless you really feel like dishing out weak 500-1k support damage every few seconds.
Anyway, Soul Destroyer works well against weaker monsters who die in 1-2 hits (For example, when hunting for something by killing one monster at a time). Its advantage is that it is made up of two parts: ATK and MATK. the ATK part is affected by the weapon element, along with +ATK cards (Such as Zipper Bear Cards and Porcellio Cards) and obviously the STR stat. the MATK part is affected by INT, unaffected by monster element (meaning it bypasses Ghost armor). And since an Assassin Cross can dual-wield weapons, something along this range is what you should be going for:

If SDing against a normal monster: (Not too high on VIT/DEF, maybe neutral element, such as Metalings)
2x carded daggers/swords with Zipper Bear Cards (Preferably overupped for the extra ATK)

If SD'ing against an elemental monster: (Not too high on VIT/DEF, an element such as ghost, fire, earth, etc; such as Nightmares or Peach Trees)
Elemental Weapon in Right Hand, Zipper Bear Carded weapon in left hand
2x carded daggers/swords with Zipper Bear Cards, with an appropriate Endow

If SDing against a high-vit monster: (Such as Incubus, Succubus)
Zipper Bear Carded Weapon in right hand, Ice Pick in left hand (+ Optional Endow; e.g. Aspersio for Incubus/Succubus to one-shot)

Flee Tank/AGI/VIT

Pretty straightforward. You lure monsters to the party and they kill them. You will hardly get hit, and if you do, you'll have enough HP/Defense to take it. Others take care of the monsters. Very easy. Just don't "play the hero" and dive right in, luring back more monsters, while your party is busy buffing up or in a tight spot. Everyone should know that, even if you've never touched RO before. wink.gif

Full Tank/VIT/INT

A little tougher, as you can't simple run around dodging monsters, but rather take the brunt of every hit. Useful in places like Nameless3 when the party has no Paladin or Steel Body Monk/Champion. You're basically the meatshield who laughs at physical and magic attacks.

PvP/WoE builds: [BLDS2]

Now for the fun part. There's a few that you can experiment with here.

In terms of a full PvP build, You'd want 120 STR (you could go as high as 130 with food without sacrificing gears) along with at least 70 VIT (for survival purposes, obviously.) Since this is PvP and there is no Flee nerf, you'd want somewhere upwards of 60-70 DEX to be able to hit most people (I'm obviously not talking about those useless 1390582309582390523 AGI snipers who die in one shot IF they get hit anyway, I'm talking about fighting against other people who know how to PvP - no offence). Rest can go into AGI for the bit of flee and Grimtoothing in PvP.

In regards to WoE, there's three main builds: the Killer, the Emp. Breaker, and the Hybrid. Of course, the first two are more effective for their own purposes, but the third can do both almost as efficiently.

The Killer: follows pretty much the same layout as the Full PvP build, but you may want to lower DEX and add to VIT for more survival, particularly since Flee is nerfed during WoE and you can hit more people easily. Your main (only?) skill will be Sonic Blow (with EDP and stuff of course) and you should be able to drop next to anyone - except maybe Paladins, LKs, Assumptio'd High Priests and some other SinX. (Gear below) Your HP will be in the 16-18k range, depending on how much VIT you get.

The Emp. Breaker: This is quite different from The Killer, as you have a lot more attack speed and less HP. You would still want 120-130 STR (Anything below it doesn't give enough damage), but at least 60 AGI for the attack speed and all. You wouldn't want much DEX (maybe cap it at 20-30, just enough to kill some people in your way) and your VIT would be slightly lower (maybe at 70+) for the AGI boost. (Gear explained below) Your HP will be in the 14-15k range.

The Hybrid: This is personally my favourite build. Sure, it has a little less HP and a little less ASPD, but it involves the best of both worlds. As always, 120-130 STR, and around 40 DEX, in addition to 30-40 AGI for the Aspd. You would cap out at as little as 70 VIT to as high as 85 VIT, depending on your other stats (interchangeable as always.) Your HP would be in the 15-16k range, which is effective for an average precast.

Gear and Items for PvM/PvP/WoE Explained: [GRITM]

In most - if not all - PvM cases, you will want gear that enhances your attack or helps you survive in the location that you're at.
As an Assassin Cross in the PvM field, you will want something along these lines:

+STR/+AGI carded top headgears (such as a Vanberk Carded Marionette Doll)

Evil or Angel Wing Ears for middle headgear for +1 STR

Armor/Body: A slotted Chain Mail works well (preferably overupgraded) due to the nice defense, and obviously because of the slot. At easier leveling/PvM spots you could use an armor carded with a Porcellio for the extra attack, or even cardless. At a place like Geffenia, Nightmares, or Nameless Island, you would want an Evil Druid or Bathory carded armor - so that Dark Soul Strike, Dark Sanctuary, Dark Jupitel Thunder and the other Dark/Shadow property skills don't eat you alive. (Evil Druid/ED preferred, because that actually heals you against shadow damage)

Katars: Invariably, you will want a katar for every PvM purpose that you plan on doing. Elemental Katars (I.e. Katar of Frozen Icicle/Piercing Wind/Quaking/Raging Blaze/Unholy Touch/Inverse Scare) help against weak elemental groups of monsters, but as you go up against stronger monsters (such as Hodremlins and Banshees) you will want overupgraded, carded Jurs. For example, for something like Banshees, I use a +8 Triple Hallowed (Santa Poring) Jur with the Aspersio buff from a Priest: Holy Weapon that does 60% more on Shadow-type monsters; definitely bypasses the 140 Holy Attack of an Inverse Scare. at 130 STR, I do 2k Grimtooths with the Trip. Hallowed Jur compared to 1.6k with the Inverse Scare.

Garment: Wool Scarf - preferably overupgraded as well, with a reduction card (most people just opt for Raydric as most monsters do Neutral damage unless it's a skill, and because Raydric helps in PvP/WoE as well) or an Aliot Card for the +2 STR. Giant Whisper works for PvM - particularly MVPing - for the extra ATK bonus with high STR - or even the Flee bonus with high AGI for the Flee/Tank build.

Shoes: Tidal Shoes - preferably overupgraded, with a Matyr Card, a Green Ferus Card, or Antique Firelock if the shoes are +9. Self-explanatory. This way, the Tidal Shoes give more HP (combo with Wool Scarf; 10% more HP) and the Card gives even more HP (10% from Matyr, Green Ferus, Firelock in +9). If you simply want to round off your STR some more, you can get +0 to +9 Tidal Shoes with the Antique Firelock card, because it gives +2 STR regardless of refine level.

Accessories: This is where your STR primarily comes from. Rings[1] are your friend in PvM, because each gives 1 STR and each has a slot (Which means Mantis cards, which give 3 STR each) equaling a total of +8 STR from your accessories. You can also go Agi wh[o]re mode and get Kukre Brooches, and if you're feeling rich/dangerous, grab Vesper Cores 02 (STR and +ATK) or Vesper Cores 03 (AGI and +Flee).


The gear for this is pretty similar, except the weapons and a few other things.

Upper-Headgear-wise, you want an overupgraded Feather Beret for the 10% reduction (or if you cannot afford one or create one for whatever reason(s), a Beret works okay for a bit, as does a PooPoo Hat, but just UNTIL you get your Feather Beret). If you have the guts (and money) to make an Alice Doll and card it with a Nightmare or Vanberk card, by all means, go for it, but remember to swap between Feather Beret and Alice Doll. Swapping is explained in the [TIPZ2] Section.

Middle-Headgear-wise, go grab some Evil or Angel Wing Ears for the +1 STR, or that ugly Masquerade for +3% damage to Demihumans (I prefer the Evil/Angel ears because it helps round STR to a multiple of 10, and that's what you should be aiming for, plus they look a LOT nicer than that masquerade). Once again, see [TIPZ2] for details on swapping between these.

You'll also need a shield in PvP/WoE, unless you want to be massacred to bits. An overupgraded Valkyrie's Shield with a Thara Frog Card is easily obtainable and is the basic shield for *any* class, not just an Assassin Cross. Another nice Shield to have (to swap) is an overupgraded Thorny Shield (if you have a Horn of the Buffalo, of course; more on this in Accessories) with a Thara Frog card - for the attack speed, the +5 MDEF, and the higher raw DEF over the Valkyrie's Shield.

There's a small debate on what Katars to use in PvP/WoE. A well-balanced, easy-to-obtain weapon is the Infiltrator[0] which can be slotted to Infiltrator[1] and combined with a skeleton worker card (Unless, of course you have an Incantation Samurai or a Thanatos Card...) But of course, that's only the beginning. If you have the time and money, you will want to invest into a Katar of Quaking[3] or (and?!) Katar of Piercing Wind[3], maybe even overupgrade it. The annoying part is hunting these: One is a 0.10% drop from Sandmen; the other is a 0.10% drop from Jokers. Both are A-Class weapons, meaning they have a low-ish chance to slot, and naturally become even harder to overupgrade, because they are level 3 weapons. But once you have (even a +5 safety limit) these, it will help you out massively. In comparison to the +4/+7 (whichever refine) Boned Infiltrator - which does not bypass Raydric/Noxious/Survivor's Manteau's Neutral Resistance effects, a Double Bloody Boned Katar of Piercing Wind or Double Bloody Boned Katar of Quaking *do* bypass the Raydric/Noxious/Survivor's Manteau effects.
*Reason I do not add the Fire and Ice slotted Katars is because of Valkyrie Shield's 20% resistance to Water, Fire, Shadow and Undead element attacks.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you REALLY want to optimize your Sonic Blow damage for each individual hit, the Boned Infiltrator is the way to go. HOWEVER, you will need to take your hotkeys a few steps further. You'll really need to juice out your battlemode for it to be effective. How do you do this? Items called Elemental Converters are available through a short, repeatable Sage Platinum Skill quest, through our new updated Guild Castle drops, and well - by buying them off other people. What do they do? Each Elemental Converter changes your weapon's element into the respective element shown in the Elemental Converter Description. You already know to optimize Wind and Earth (If you read the few lines above), so adding these to your hotkey bar helps. BUT, unfortunately, this wears off after about 2-3 minutes (The exact time is not given in the description). In addition to that, worse yet, the Converter is overwritten by you yourself - when you swap your Katar to the Shield/Dagger. Because since your "Elemental" Infiltrator came off, it took the element with it. So, when next swapping for another sonic blow, it is important to re-do the converter. Which is why you can use up a lot of them each WoE. (Though they are fairly cheap late-game...)

In addition to Katars, there's a weapon far more important - that warrants your survival further. If you can get your hands on one, get a Combat Knife to quickswap with your Katar. Of course, 90% of those who play SinX probably won't be able to get a Combat Knife until very late-game, so there are easier (and decently useful) alternatives.
- Assassin Dagger[0] gives a slight boost to Attack Speed, along with 20% more HP and SP; an easy-to-get item from Osiris. (And SinX Eremes; bio3 MVP if you can get one from there)
- Assassin Dagger[1]; Same as above, but using the slotting NPC (if it succeeds, of course) this doubles as an Emp. Breaking Weapon as well - when carded with a Desert Wolf or Orc Skeleton Card.
- (Thanks Seifier) A Double Vital Cowardice Blade works okay too (Vital = Fabre Card), giving +5 DEF, +2 VIT and +200 HP (Not as useful as the Assassin Dagger, but still works alright)

In terms of Emp-Breaking, there's not many options on what to choose if you want real (meaning "decent" to "good") damage. If nothing else, grab a Main Gauche, overupgrade it to +9/+10, drop 2 Orc Skeleton Cards and two Desert Wolf Cards in it, and go have some fun. That is - of course - the cheapest available item. There's better - and more expensive - alternatives.
-+7/+8 Mes[3] with 2x Orc Skeleton and 1x Desert Wolf
-Assassin Dagger[1] with an Orc Skeleton Card
and lastly...
-Ice Pick, good old fashioned heavy-def emp hitting
-Ice Pick[1] to have be even more kickass - with a Turtle General Card (Hey, you got your hands on an Ice Pick[1], now grab an MVP card to REALLY make use of it!) or with an Orc Skeleton Card (Which I find quite a waste, obtaining one of the rarest weapons in the game then slotting it with a Skeleton Worker really limits its use, especially since it has 10 less ATK than the Ice Pick[0].

Garment-wise, you'd want to stick with that (over)upgraded Immune (Raydric, -20% Neutral damage) Wool Scarf, because an Anti-Sniping (Noxious, -10% neutral, -10% range damage) Wool Scarf doesn't help you survive Gfists as much as the Raydric. The Giant Whisper won't work here as much as it would in PvM, because with the lack of a Raydric, you remain too vulnerable to simply have +20 ATK.

Footgear: Same as PvM; I.e. OVERUPGRADED - and I can't stress this enough (not just +4's like a beginner PvM sinX would have) +6/+7 Matyr/Green Ferus Tidal Shoes, or +9/+10 Antique Firelock Tidal Shoes. More HP. More Defense. Enough said.
-Variant Shoes don't really apply because unless you have somewhere close to +8 Variants (Yeah Good Luck) the defense loss is too high for the extra 20% HP/SP.

Accessories: Ah, the other fun part of playing a PvP/WoE SinX. You'll be swapping Accessories almost as much as you'll be swapping your Katar with your Shield/Dagger. The Vital ones to have - if you can't afford/obtain anything else - are 2x Rings of Muscle (Mantis Cards). As mentioned in the PvM Accessories section above, these babies are cheap and effective - they only cost about 2.5mill each AT THE MOST and both together give +8 STR. Now of course, next to ANYTHING can be better than 2x Rings of Muscle, but are harder to obtain.

By anything, I mean at least one Vesper Core 02 for the +ATK, the +MDEF and most importantly - the +3 STR. The other(s!) can be one or more of the following:

-Another Vesper Core 02
-A Horn Of The Buffalo of Muscle (Mantis) - +3 str, +2 AGI, gives +10% ASPD when used in combination with a Thorny Shield - awesome for Emp. Breaking
-One Ring of Muscle to round off your STR if you can't get STR food or don't have enough job levels for the full +9 STR bonus at job level 66.
-Rosaries[1] with Alligator Cards, mostly useful when entering and attacking enemy precasts and defense lines during WoE - the Rosaries are +MDEF and +LUK, and the Alligator Card(s) give 5% resistance to Long-Range attacks.
-Safety Ring(s), not TOO useful, because even in precast, you'll mainly be killing using Grimtooth or Sonic Blow, but they give +3 DEF and +3 MDEF each.

In addition to the above attacking accessories, there are various defense/survival accessories that you should be worrying about even more, as they help you stay alive - or take out your foes faster. It's helpful to keep at least some of the following handy:
*I mentioned Safeties and Rosaries above, because they can be used in that situation as well. However, they are more important below. Read on*

-Safety Rings - at least one to swap with one of your Accessories when entering a precast or walking around; +3 def and +3 MDEF, hardly any weight
-A Horong Carded Clip/Rosary (Rosary preferred for the +3 MDEF, looks cooler, and higher resell value) should be self-explanatory, allows you to detect cloaked/hidden people; useful for trying to piss off enemy recallers.
-A Marine Sphere Carded Clip/Nile Rose (I didn't include a Rosary here because hotkeying the same type of item with two different cards can be troublesome; easier to have different items for different cards; of course you can put a Rosary here and a Clip/Nile Rose with the Horong) - This is to pop people out of Chase Walk, and/or to temporarily give you +30 HIT (Fire Attack won't matter because 95% of the time you should have dagger/shield on, and the 10-second endow effect goes away when you swap to katar, unless I'm mistaken). I don't personally use a Marine Sphere because Meteor Assault works just as well for popping people out of Chase Walk - and is spammable, unlike Magnum Break from this accessory, but doesn't give an added +30 HIT.

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