Leveling to a Sniper


When you job change you get a Bow [3]. Go buy(or get) 1k Fire Arrows (or silver arrows) and head to Payon Caves. Kill the Skeletons and Familiars until you can take on the Zombies and Poporings. At around level 33 go buy a Crossbow or Gakkung / Arbalest(Whichever one you prefer) then go to the map outside Ice Dungeon and kill the Musipulars, Droseras and Geographers. Teleport from the Gallions and Gryphons. Another map you can go to is the map north of Einbroch, that has a lot more Geographers.

Another option is to get tanked on Metalings (One map north of Lighthalzen), or just hit-and-run to kill them until the EXP gets slow, around level 30~40, then go to Geographers.

You can stay at geographers until you change to Hunter, and then some. I usually job change at job level 42 as regular archer, and job 50 as high archer. Job 42 so you can get everything maxed except Arrow Shower, which you get to 1(or 9 if you go to job 50).


Job change to Hunter. Get a Gakkung [1] or a Hunter’s Bow if you don’t have one by now. Get a few Awake Potions and some fly wings and Fire Arrows and head back to Geographers. You can stay at them until they start getting slow, around level 70. Look at the Condensed Leveling for other suggestions on where to level to past level 70.


Once you get to 99/50, just go rebirth. By now you should have some basic, if not decent, equipment. Repeat the leveling process and you should level pretty efficiently.

Condensed Leveling

Click on the monster or map for more details.

* Level 1 ~ Job 10: Novice Training Grounds, Ant Egg, Poring

* Job Change ~ Level 30: Payon Cave, Poporing, Metalings

* Level 30 ~ Level 60: Drosera, Muscipular, Geographer

* Level 60 ~ Level 70: Geographer, Hill Wind, Sting, Clock, Alarm, Seals, Sea-otters, Mi Gaos, Minorous, Merman, Goats, Groves, Removers

* Level 70 ~ Level 80: Minorous, Pasana, Merman, Isis, Anubis, Stings, Glast Heim Prison, Nine Tail Mobbing, Rachel Sanctuary Lower Levels, Grand Pecos, Goats, Geffen Tower 2nd Floor, Abyss Lake 1st Floor, Turtle Island Surface

* Level 80 ~ Level 99: Anubis, Stings, Rachel Sanctuary Higher Levels, Grand Pecos, Goats, Geffen Tower 2nd & 3rd Floor, Thor Level 1, Party at Thor 3, Turtle Island Surface, Bathorys and Jokers, Abyss Lake 1st & 2nd Floors, Abbey Sanctuary, Niffelheim Fields

Leveling: In-Depth

Since I’ve been pretty vague, I’m adding in an in-depth leveling section. Please not that this is still a work in progress, and I will be adding more places and fixing any errors ASAP.

Note: The suggested bow is not what you MUST have to level in the spot, it is just a more custom bow, that will put out more damage.

Payon Cave First Floor(pay_dun00): Familiar, Zombie, Poporing, Skeleton

Weapon: Use any bow your have right now.
Arrow: Silver or Fire
Strategy: At first avoid the Zombies as they will kill you very quickly and you won’t have very much range. Stick to killing Familiars and Skeletons. Once you get enough job levels so that you have some range start killing the Zombies and Poporings. Hit the monster until it gets close to you and then run away and start shooting again.

One Map North of Lighthalzen(lhz_fild01): Caramel, Metaling, Holden

Weapon: Use any bow you have right now.
Arrow: Iron for Metaling, Fire for Caramel and Holden
Strategy: Make use of your range, attack the metalings from afar and they should be dead before they get to you, if not use the hit and run strategy. Unless you want to kill the Caramel and Holden don’t bother with them, they give almost half the experience of a Metaling and are harder to kill.

Ice Dungeon Warp(ra_fild01): Drosera, Geographer, Muscipular, Gryphon, Galion

Weapon: 2x Kaho Gakkung/Arbalest or 2x Scorpion Gakkung/Arbalest or a Burning Bow with either of the two cards in it.
Arrow: Fire
Strategy: Bring lots of fly wings. You must have full Vulture’s Eye. Start out by killing Muscipulars that are alone, if you kill them while another Muscipular or Geographer is near they will heal it. Once you are a few levels higher try taking on the Geographers, if it is too hard then stick to Muscipulars until you can take them. Once you are strong enough you will be able to take on groups of them. Be careful around Droseras, they have a very long range. When killing them make sure you walk straight at them, not diagonal or you will be killed. Stay away from Gryphons and Gallions, they will kill you. Keep the Stems and Maneater Blossoms, Creators use them.

One Map North of Einbroch(ein_fild04): Geographer, Gierth, Metaling, Holden, Mineral

Weapon: 2x Kaho Gakkung/Arbalest or 2x Scorpion Gakkung/Arbalest or a Burning Bow with either of the two cards in it.
Arrow: Fire
Strategy: Fly wing around and kill all the Geographers you see. Don’t worry about any of the other monsters.

One Map South of Louyang(lou_fild01): Mantis, Mi Gao, Caramel, Bigfoot, Anacondaq

Weapon: 3x Kaho Crossbow(Mi Gao, Mantis)
Arrow: Fire
Strategy: Focus on the Mi Gaos, if a Mantis comes along either kill it or Flywing away. Mi Gaos are slow so you can most likely just shoot it from far away and kill it before it comes close to you.

Glast Heim Culvert Floor 3(gl_sew03): Sting, Gargoyle

Weapon: 2x Kaho Gakkung/Arbalest or 2x Peco Peco Egg Gakkung/Arbalest or a Burning Bow with either of the two cards in it.
Arrow: Fire
Strategy: Avoid the Gargoyles. Double Strafe Stings and if they get to close either Arrow Repel or use the hit and run method. If the Sting gets too close and hits you, you will most likely be killed. They hit very fast and very hard.

Clock Tower Second Floor(c_tower2): Clock, Mimic, Rideword, Punk, Clock Tower Manager, Elder

Weapon: 3x Peco Peco Egg Crossbow(Clock, Clock Tower Manager, Mimic, Rideword) and 3x Hydra Crossbow(Elder) and 3x Mandragora Crossbow(Punk)
Arrow: Fire(All but Punk), Stone(Punk)
Strategy: Bring traps. You can just use the hit and run tactic on the Punks. On Clocks, Clock Tower Manager, and Elder trap them then shoot from afar. You may need to lay more then one trap. If you don’t have enough ASPD stay away from Elders, they cast magic somewhat fast.

Turtle Island Surface(tur_dun01): Spring Rabbit, Thara Frog, Pest, Permeter, Dragon Tail

Weapon: 3x Goblin Crossbow(Pest, Permeter, Spring Rabbit) and 3x Mandragora Crossbow(Dragon Tail)
Arrow: Fire(Spring Rabbit), Stone(Dragon Tail), Silver(Pest)
Strategy: Double Strafe all Spring Rabbits and Dragon Tails. I personally don’t even bother with the Pests. When you run out of sp just go to town, use the healer, and warp right back.

Thor Dungeon Level One(thor_v01): Kasa, Fire Imp, Salamander, Magmaring, Byorgue, Bow Guardian, Sword Guardian

Weapon: 2x Peco Peco Egg, x Vadon, 1x Minorous Composite Bow(Kasa, Magmaring, Salamander, Fire Imp), 3x Hydra Crossbow(Byorgue, Sword Guardian, Bow Guardian)
Arrow: Crystal
Strategy: Your main target here is Kasa. Double Strafe it until it dies. If it gets close run back or Arrow Repel. Once you have high enough ASPD you may be able to kill it without Double Strafe. Be careful of its Spiral Pierce. Fly Wing away the second you see either Guardian until your strong enough to take them. Once you can take them make sure you shoot from full range. If they get close they will kill you.

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